Friday, June 12, 2009

Freak Out Friday

So much going round and round in my head. Sometimes things are best summed up in the music I'm listening that's Joe Purdy's 'Rainy Day Lament'. Somehow it says it all.

Where do you go when your luck runs out
Yeah, where do you go
Where do you go now
And where do you go when you feel like cryin'
Where do you go
Where do you go now

Won't you come inside with me today
You could stay inside with me today
Can't you see it's gonna rain

And how do you feel when the lights go out
How do you feel
How do you feel alone
And how do you feel when there's no one there
On the other end of the phone

Won't you come inside with me today
You just stay inside with me today
Can't you see it's gonna rain
Yeah, can't you see it's gonna rain
Yeah, it's gonna rain

And don't you wanna get warm
And don't you wanna get dry
And don't you wanna stay
Can't you see it's gonna rain

So won't you come inside with me today'cause
I can see it's gonna rain
Yeah, I can see it's gonna rain
Can't you see it's gonna rain
Oh, I can see it's gonna rain

Gotta get my head together, yeah
Gotta get my thinkin' straight
Gotta keep my mind from racin'
But it might be too late
Well it might be too late

Cuz these demons in my head
They just won't wait
They just won't wait

I feel just like a failure
Well maybe I am
Say it and give you somethin' better
But I don't think I can
Well, I don't think I can

Cuz I got nothin' else
In my hands
Yeah in my hands

And all these things I'm feelin'
Maybe I don't wanna say
Maybe I'm just tired
Or maybe I'm not brave
Well maybe I'm not brave

Well maybe I'm afraid I can't
Maybe I'm afraid I can't

So come on over here
I don't wanna be alone
But if you're busy dear
I'll see you later on, yeah
I'll see you later on, yeah
I'll see you later

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

It's Souful Sunday and today I'm on my other blog: Praying For Answers . If you're interested stop by for a spell.

KDH Catt

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

"In Christ Alone"
Words and Music by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend
Copyright © 2001 Kingsway ThankyouMusic

In Christ alone my hope is found;
He is my light, my strength, my song;
This cornerstone, this solid ground,
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My comforter, my all in all—
Here in the love of Christ I stand.

In Christ alone,
Who took on flesh,
Fullness of God in helpless babe!
This gift of love and righteousness,
Scorned by the ones He came to save.
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied;
For ev'ry sin on Him was laid—
Here in the death of Christ I live.

There in the ground His body lay,
Light of the world by darkness slain;
Then bursting forth in glorious day,
Up from the grave He rose again!
And as He stands in victory,
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me;
For I am His and He is mine—
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.

No guilt in life, no fear in death—
This is the pow'r of Christ in me;
From life's first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny.
No pow'r of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home—
Here in the pow'r of Christ I'll stand.

May your Easter weekend be blessed and safe.
KDH Catt

Friday, April 3, 2009

Freak-out Friday

Let's see....what am I freakin' out about today? Hmm, that would be my TV. It broke.

Now I know electronics break. They wear out and you have to replace them and all that good stuff. But what is DRIVING ME CRAZY is the fact the stupid thing is less than TWO YEARS OLD!!!!!

(deep breath......aaahhh. better? yes, thank you.)

I am totally put out that a $800 piece of equipment can't be depended on to last. I basically have a 60 lb, 37 inch paperweight. Great. Wonderful. Fabulous. And of course nobody works on TVs anymore. It used to be that there was an electronic repair shop on every corner. Now....none! Not one in OBX.

That could be the location (living here is sorta like living out in the boondocks), but I think it's more that nobody gets stuff fixed anymore. We live in a disposable world. It's easier to just go get a new one...and cheaper, too. Why pay $400-500 dollars to fix the broken one, when for a a few hundred more you can get a brand new shiny one. We, as a society, are always going for the new shiny.

And I'm definitely including myself in that statement. I love shiny!! And I love gadgets!! iPods make me drool. Everytime I see an iPhone commercial I break out in a sweat. And I have 3, count them, 3 iPods. One for every occasion. It's ridiculous. But you couldn't pry one of them from my cold dead hand. The thought of getting rid of one of them is anathema to me. My little "oh shiny!" brain just loves them all so much!

But back to the TV.....
Luckily, I had a spare TV I could hook up, otherwise, the world would not be able to deal with me. Lex Luther would have nothing on me. If I didn't have TV to rot my brain and fill every available free moment, world domination would be mine! HAHAHAHA! (evil laughter ensues)

So I guess it's good that there's TV and Facebook...the world is safe again from crazy blonds.
KDH Catt

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Breath deep, the gathering gloom,
Watch lights fade from every room.
Bedsitter people look back and lament,
Another day's useless energy spent.
Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,
Lonely man cries for love and has none,
New Mother picks up and suckles her Son,
Senior citizens wish they were young.
Cold hearted orb, that rules the night,
Removes the colours from our sight.
Red is gray, and yellow white,
But we decide which is right.
And which is an illusion???
Just because I like it.....

Random Thought Thursday

The other day I was reading through a book of questions and came across an interesting one. If you could invite anyone in the world to dinner, who would it be? Now I'm going on the assumption that this is a real person, not fictional and is currently living. This got me to thinking....this would have to be someone interesting, personable, but not someone I'd want around forever. I say this because the next question was about who you'd want for a friend.

So back to my dinner guest.... I'm thinking a restaurant or a catered event. I mean really, who wants to spend the whole meal with this super-interesting person, being in the kitchen sweaty and food-splattered? Hopefully, it would be a relaxed and casual affair. I'm not into the whole getting gussied up for eating. I like the idea of a relaxed, intimate place - quiet and with few interuptions. Unlimited time to really get to know this person.

So now that I've got the place, I need the who. Hmmm.....could be an actor. A politician? World leader? Religious leader? So many people to choose from and just one choice. Wait! This is my dinner. I can have as many people as I want. Or better yet, more than one dinner..... Oh, that's even better. I could have one person at a time but have lots of dinners. A girl's gotta eat, after all.

Now barring the fact I wouldn't choke or dribble food down my chin because I'm so nervous, I think a few obvious choices would be the president, the former president (and especially, his wife), the Dalai Lama, TD Jakes, the Pope, etc. I think any of the obvious pop stars, whether musicians or actors can be covered that way, too. We all have our likes and dislikes and personal icons that would be covered in the pop culture person. Naming a few: Eric Clapton, Sting, Madonna (surprisingly), Meryl Streep, Hugh Laurie , Stephen Frye and dozens more. That list could go on forever.

But I'll say in really thinking about this question, I've come up with another scenerio: I would love to visit a regular person from another country, in their home and spend the evening just conversing with them and their family. Language would be no problem, neither would travel or customs. Just two people talking and learning about each other and their individual, small worlds. Making a connection with another soul, crossing the lines of culture, color, religion, all of it.

So, in the choice of famous or real, I would enjoy both (obviously) but I think the dinners with real, regular, everyday people would effect my life a whole lot more. And eventually, if more people joined in, the world.

How's that for random...
KDH Catt

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

WTF Wednesday

This was originally going to be 'Wildcard Wednesday' but after really thinking about it, I decided 'WTF Wednesday' fits me 100% better. Here's the way I see it: If the original meaning of the letters bother you, then change them to "Will Test Faith." Better?

Here's my WTF for today:
I don't expect to be more special than anyone else, but I do expect to be different. There is no one else on this planet with my experiences or point of view. I'm not better than anyone else but I expect to see things and do things in my own strange and unique way. God didn't create anyone else like me (thankfully). If He'd wanted someone to be exactly like me, I'd have a twin....and I don't.

I enjoy finding the differences between myself and others. And I love finding how we are all different ways. It always amazes me that no matter how different we all are, we can find commonalities. We find ways to connect with one another. Usually, this makes me smile and makes life a little more enjoyable. Today....not so much.

I don't feel the need to go into detail, I'll leave that for real friends and real conversation. But for now I'll just say it's truly belittling to be....not lied to....not copied, per se....but made to feel unimportant. Commonplace. Colorless. A triviality.

So for now, I sit and contrmplate. Lesson learned. Mama didn't raise no fool.

Today may you feel unigue and special. A rare breed. A bird of a different color. One of a kind. When you have concerns, may they be treated with respect and individualism. Remember God knows who you are and made you to be you, not someone else.

KDH Catt

p.s. Didn't get around to "Media Monday" or "Tech Tuesday"....wish me luck for next week..;-)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Soulful Sunday

Today I'm on my other blog: Praying For Answers . If you're interested stop by for a spell.

KDH Catt

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sit Back and Relax Saturday

Since I hope to be blogging on my other blog (Praying for Answers) on Sundays, I've decided Saturdays are for relaxing. And if the question is: what do I like to do to relax? Well, sleep is always good and I never seem to get enough. Catching up with all the stuff I've DVR'd this past week (or two). Playing on the computer, which unfortunately can turn into hours and hours (and sore shoulders). Come summer, it will be sitting at Soundside with a book all day.....where, oh where are you warm weather?!?

Next up: Media Monday....blah, blah on whatever movie, music, TV show, book is striking my fancy at the moment.

Have a great weekend!
KDH Catt

Friday, March 27, 2009

Freak-Out Friday

I thought Fridays would be a good day to talk about what's been freaking me out lately or maybe just this past week. Sometimes, I'll share why it's freaking me out, sometimes not.

Lately, like everyone else, I've been freaked out by the economy and the future. The fact that I personally think the country's being run by a bunch of idiots doesn't help. I mean really, if I had a child in financial trouble, what would work better......throw money at the problem immediately or help the child learn to solve his own problems. It's the old adage of teach a man to fish. All we've done is teach this 'fisherman' that we will always catch his 'fish' for him. Also, why wouldn't we take the time to investigate how to best spend this ungodly amount of TAX-PAYER money, rather than quickly dole it out to people who obviously don't know how to handle money. But that would have made sense. And would have taken time. And we all know you can't have hot news bites for CNN if you wait and do the right thing.

When will we, as a society, learn to stop enabling people to fail? We have done it to welfare and the school systems, now we're moving on to the financial markets. We blame anyone but ourselves for our problems...
"It's my parent's fault." "I'm disabled/ADD/ADHD, etc." "The government should save me." "I'm a victim." ....and so many more.

I refuse to believe that we, the greatest country in the world, are victims. We have every opportunity, every luxury available but we continually make excuses for ourselves. We've become lazy and over-indulgent, waiting for someone to 'bail' us out.

I work for a living. I pay my bills. If I spend too much, I have to deal with the fall out. I'm not expecting anyone to rescue me from my own stupidity....unless it's a smack up side the head and them saying, "What the hell were you thinking?" If I screw up I expect to fail, and I expect consequences for my actions. I expect there to be problems and for me to have to tighten the belt.

So why should big companies be any different than the average American? What gives them the right to be more important that me and you?

KDH Catt

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Random Thought Thursday

I've decided I need direction...well, at least for this blog. I find without a direction I don't write. I sit and I ponder and come up with all kinds of good ideas that never seem to come to fruition. I'm hoping by setting up each day for a particular topic/idea, this will give me the push I need to actually write...and not keep it all in my head. Too much randomness in there as it is.

So Thursday's are 'Random Thought Thursday'. Whatever random thing I come up with...there you go. Tonight I'm thinking, what's the deal with all the 70's clothes making a comeback. Didn't we all just barely survive the fashion crisis of the 70's? Do we really need to re-live that part of out fashion victim lives? Just a thought.....

But I could be wrong,
KDH Catt

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day

Being single, I don't think about Valentine's day very much...if at all. It's all a commercial creation and I don't buy into it. Not saying that if I had significant other he wouldn't have to dish out a little Hallmark lovin'. I may be single, but I'm not stupid. But I digress. A fellow singleton said something that I totally agreed with about Valentine's Day and really everyday. When it comes to love, we should put God and ourselves first; the rest will follow. How simple a truth is that? Most of them are.

Having been in and out of relationships, solid and not so solid, it's funny to watch people on this holiday and compare them to my own actions and reactions.
The newly in love, having their first Valentine's together. These days it makes me sort of nauseous but I remember feeling that way, too. Waiting to see if he bought me roses and if they were the right color. What would the card say? Would there be chocolates? Dinner? What other surprises were in store? The happiness of buying a card that said 'just' the right thing about my sweetie. Getting him something that I knew wasn't macho but I just couldn't resist, i.e. the pink stuffed teddy bear that said 'I Love You'.

The been-in-love-for-awhile crowd are immensely more entertaining and sort of scary at my age. They forget to get anything. They remember at the last minute and get something from Walgreen's on the way home. They try something elaborate and it's especially funny if it involves lingerie and whipped-topping. Although, there are moments of true romance still out there. The husband that makes breakfast in bed for his wife. The spouse that makes sure there's flowers waiting at home at the end of the day. Going out to dinner, which includes getting dressed up and no drive-thru. A note left, saying very simply, "I love You more today."

So if I had to wish for anything today, I guess I'd agree with my friend: a stronger love of God and myself, first. Chocolate...lots of chocolate. Friends to spend good and bad times with. Quiet days on the beach and sunsets that last forever. Wine (or a beer) always chillin' in the fridge. Family that always prays together. A cat that can snuggle without putting his butt in my face. But chocolate, there must always be chocolate. At least if no one wants to get hurt.

Hears wishing you a pain free Valentine's Day and everything you could wish for,

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

And it's a New Year....

Been a while since I came on here and posted. Lots going on, busy, busy, busy. But sitting here at work, with a head cold and chest congestion gives me a little time to think....mostly about getting some sleep and what cold medicine do I take next. But anyway.

I'm moving on to the last bit on training here at work. Start on that next week. Worked my first 2nd Alarm fire tonight. Thankfully, everything turned out fine and no one was injured, no buildings lost.

Overall, I must say it's been a pretty good year. I have a job I love. I live in one of the best places on the planet. My family is cracked but lovable. I'm connecting with old friends again and making new ones. I've found a great church to belong to. My training at work has gotten back on track and is going well. Now if I can get myself all straightened out, 2009 will be even better.

Happy New Year. May it be the best yet!