Friday, April 3, 2009

Freak-out Friday

Let's see....what am I freakin' out about today? Hmm, that would be my TV. It broke.

Now I know electronics break. They wear out and you have to replace them and all that good stuff. But what is DRIVING ME CRAZY is the fact the stupid thing is less than TWO YEARS OLD!!!!!

(deep breath......aaahhh. better? yes, thank you.)

I am totally put out that a $800 piece of equipment can't be depended on to last. I basically have a 60 lb, 37 inch paperweight. Great. Wonderful. Fabulous. And of course nobody works on TVs anymore. It used to be that there was an electronic repair shop on every corner. Now....none! Not one in OBX.

That could be the location (living here is sorta like living out in the boondocks), but I think it's more that nobody gets stuff fixed anymore. We live in a disposable world. It's easier to just go get a new one...and cheaper, too. Why pay $400-500 dollars to fix the broken one, when for a a few hundred more you can get a brand new shiny one. We, as a society, are always going for the new shiny.

And I'm definitely including myself in that statement. I love shiny!! And I love gadgets!! iPods make me drool. Everytime I see an iPhone commercial I break out in a sweat. And I have 3, count them, 3 iPods. One for every occasion. It's ridiculous. But you couldn't pry one of them from my cold dead hand. The thought of getting rid of one of them is anathema to me. My little "oh shiny!" brain just loves them all so much!

But back to the TV.....
Luckily, I had a spare TV I could hook up, otherwise, the world would not be able to deal with me. Lex Luther would have nothing on me. If I didn't have TV to rot my brain and fill every available free moment, world domination would be mine! HAHAHAHA! (evil laughter ensues)

So I guess it's good that there's TV and Facebook...the world is safe again from crazy blonds.
KDH Catt

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