Wednesday, April 1, 2009

WTF Wednesday

This was originally going to be 'Wildcard Wednesday' but after really thinking about it, I decided 'WTF Wednesday' fits me 100% better. Here's the way I see it: If the original meaning of the letters bother you, then change them to "Will Test Faith." Better?

Here's my WTF for today:
I don't expect to be more special than anyone else, but I do expect to be different. There is no one else on this planet with my experiences or point of view. I'm not better than anyone else but I expect to see things and do things in my own strange and unique way. God didn't create anyone else like me (thankfully). If He'd wanted someone to be exactly like me, I'd have a twin....and I don't.

I enjoy finding the differences between myself and others. And I love finding how we are all different ways. It always amazes me that no matter how different we all are, we can find commonalities. We find ways to connect with one another. Usually, this makes me smile and makes life a little more enjoyable. Today....not so much.

I don't feel the need to go into detail, I'll leave that for real friends and real conversation. But for now I'll just say it's truly belittling to be....not lied to....not copied, per se....but made to feel unimportant. Commonplace. Colorless. A triviality.

So for now, I sit and contrmplate. Lesson learned. Mama didn't raise no fool.

Today may you feel unigue and special. A rare breed. A bird of a different color. One of a kind. When you have concerns, may they be treated with respect and individualism. Remember God knows who you are and made you to be you, not someone else.

KDH Catt

p.s. Didn't get around to "Media Monday" or "Tech Tuesday"....wish me luck for next week..;-)

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