Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Finding a Church

I decided a couple of weeks ago it was time to find a church. The whole time I lived in the mountains (eight years), I never found a church to go to. I prefer my family church back home and whenever I was visiting the parentals, I went there. I love my home church and don't care if it's very traditional as far as the music and stuff. I still love it. But if I plan to stay here (which I do) I need to put down a few roots. Part of that involves having a church family. I didn't do that in the mountains, because somehow I always knew I wouldn't be staying.

But anyway, I decided it was time to start the search for a new church a little closer to home, my new home. So I looked in the phonebook and checked the internet. Kept my eyes open to and from work. I had been to a local church several years ago when down here on vacation and decided I'd start my search there. Makes sense; start with what you know. But then Sunday rolled around and I changed my mind - decided to try somewhere completely new.

Being raised in a traditional church, I was of course worried about what to wear. Shouldn't have been. NHC is totally a 'come as you are' type of church, flip-flops are completely welcomed. My kind of place since I live in flip-flops these days. The music was contempary Christian, which isn't exactly my cup of tea yet, but the message was good. Very good. I told my folks I'd keep looking but I might go back again.

Then this past weekend I had a friend from home visiting. We were sitting on the beach, talkin' God and I mentioned going to NHC. She laughed and said she had checked out their website, thinking about going while down here. Then she said, "So you want to go Sunday?" We discussed and decided to hit the early service and then head to the beach.

Sunday morning rolled around. Boy was I tired. I could have definitely stayed in bed another hour. But houseguests and church had me up and out the door. Thankfully, NHC also has a wonderful coffee bar - certainly a blessing for us non-morning people. But then another surprise: a church member (the youth leader) from our home church was there. What a wonderful coincidence. Overall, we had a great time, of course. And I realized: God's been leading me to this church. Too many coincidences. Too many things just falling into place. The message was there and I can get used to the music (in fact, it's starting to grow on me).

So I've found my church. I'm so looking forward to being a part of this church. The people seem very nice and I really like what there saying and doing in the community. I'll keep you updated.

And another thing:
God just loves freakin' me out. This morning while getting ready I was thinking about how we need to take care of the earth. I figure God wants us to take care of our bodies (temples) and the earth should be right behind that. We consider ourselves God's greatest creation but shouldn't this beautiful world He set us in be at least second. I mean, He went to all this trouble, shouldn't we at least be polite and not screw it up. Would you do that to a friend you're visiting? Just go in their house and trash it? But it's okay if we do it with God's home for us? We're so stupid........

But anyway, back to the being freaked out. So here I have this verse about bodies being temples on the brain and I can't remember Chapter & Verse if you paid me....low and behold, I check my Bible reading site and there it is, the verse of the day.

“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.”-
1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Like I said, God loves freakin' me out. If it was an Olympic sport, God gets Gold!

Loving the life He's leading,

KDH Catt

Update March 2009:
I am now a member of NHC...very happily so. I'm excited to go every week, a member of a connection group and a new member of the First Impressions Team. I have also realized the Lord has been leading me to this location (OBX) for a long time now. KDH Catt

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