Friday, July 11, 2008

Things I don't like. Not even a little.

I was just sitting here (at work, of course) and I remembered pumping gas during a really bad thunderstorm. I have no idea where it came from, just popped into my head. So I thought I would make a list of things I seriously dislike....

1. Thunderstorms - don't like 'em. Never have. Never will.
2. Pumping gas in a thunderstorm. That was very nerve-racking. Although, I have to say me and my fellow gas-pumpers were all a little white-faced by the end.
3. Breaking a tooth just before a holiday. Not only do you get the pain of a broken tooth, you get to pay extra to get it fixed. Great!
4. Tomatoes. About every two years I'll suck it up and try one, thinking eventually I'll grow to like them. I'm nearly forty...I don't think it's gonna happen.
5. Rude people. Cursing doesn't bother me. I can cuss like a sailor if neccessary. What I hate is people with no manners. No 'please', 'thank you', 'excuse me'.... It drives me nuts. If you need to talk instead of me, say excuse me, let me shut up and then talk. Don't just f*cking interupt.
6. Not saying "bless you" when someone sneezes. Sort of goes with the politeness thing. I don't care what you believe in or don't believe in - you can say 'bless you'; meaning I hope you don't have a head cold.
7. People that drive under the speed limit - "because it's safer." What?!? So you drive like an idiot which makes me drive like a maniac to get around your slow butt. Yeah, that makes sense.
8. Pushy sales people. And I include annoying telemarketers in this one. When I politely say, "No, thank you," freakin' listen. Don't make me tell you again. I used to be a telephone survey taker and I never pushed anyone. My bosses hated it but I didn't care and I had good numbers. If I want something, I'll tell you. If I don't, leave me the heck alone.
9. Cleaning the litter box. I'm not real thrilled about cleaning in general. I feel like there are so many more (better) things to do with my time. Watching paint dry is higher on the list. But cleaning the litter box just sucks. And stinks. And I feel so guilty about putting all that litter and poop in the landfill. There's got to be a better way.
10. Flys. Do they really have a purpose? I mean, if they were to become extinct would the world end? I don't think so. Same thing with mosquitoes. Do we really NEED them? Are they really neccessary for the world to keep turning?

So it could just be me and maybe I'm completely wrong. Why is it always the littlest things that drive us crazy?

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