Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Finley....Fred and George

From Jan 2013

I got a fish.  He's a betta and completely cute.  And I adore him.
He's actually the second one I bought.  Friskies the 1st died within a couple days of joining my happy family.  No idea why, just came home to floating fish.  So like any sane person that just bought a bowl and rocks and a plant, I headed back to the store for Friskies the 2nd.
I came home with a different fish of a different color too.  Silvery blue instead of the typical red/blue combo...nothing against them, had a few myself, including Friskies the 1st.
After a week Friskies the 2nd had survived to earn his own came Finley.  He's firty and funny and a pig.  He's a joy to have around.
And not only do the kitties like him, he loves the kitties!  He always will leave me and dried bloodworms (a wonderful fishy delicacy) and flit and flirt his way over to the kitty beside the tank.  Very daring...or seriously stupid.
Now Finley has graduated from a 1 gallon LED lit, no heater, no filter, with two plants to......4 roomy gallons of heated and filtered water. Day and moon LED lights.  About 6 plants and roommates!
That brings in my new funny fellows.  First there was Fred.  Fred is a yellow/golden mystery snail and he was so enchanting and Finley liked him so much, then quickly came George.  George is a black, most likely mystery snail.  I'm hoping they're boys.  I'm hoping for no more snails.
And who knew snails had personalities?  Not me.  Fred is a clown, very curious and very quick....for a snail.  George is quiet, shy and plays dead.
So welcome to my new obsession.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

p.s.  George is no more.  He never thrived the way Fred has and Finley liked to nip at him anyway...silly fish.  But Fred and Finley get along great and Fred is HUGE!  He's like the size of a ping pong ball.  And when his feelers are out, it's like he's doing ballet, waving back and forth.

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