Sunday, March 29, 2009

Soulful Sunday

Today I'm on my other blog: Praying For Answers . If you're interested stop by for a spell.

KDH Catt

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sit Back and Relax Saturday

Since I hope to be blogging on my other blog (Praying for Answers) on Sundays, I've decided Saturdays are for relaxing. And if the question is: what do I like to do to relax? Well, sleep is always good and I never seem to get enough. Catching up with all the stuff I've DVR'd this past week (or two). Playing on the computer, which unfortunately can turn into hours and hours (and sore shoulders). Come summer, it will be sitting at Soundside with a book all day.....where, oh where are you warm weather?!?

Next up: Media Monday....blah, blah on whatever movie, music, TV show, book is striking my fancy at the moment.

Have a great weekend!
KDH Catt

Friday, March 27, 2009

Freak-Out Friday

I thought Fridays would be a good day to talk about what's been freaking me out lately or maybe just this past week. Sometimes, I'll share why it's freaking me out, sometimes not.

Lately, like everyone else, I've been freaked out by the economy and the future. The fact that I personally think the country's being run by a bunch of idiots doesn't help. I mean really, if I had a child in financial trouble, what would work better......throw money at the problem immediately or help the child learn to solve his own problems. It's the old adage of teach a man to fish. All we've done is teach this 'fisherman' that we will always catch his 'fish' for him. Also, why wouldn't we take the time to investigate how to best spend this ungodly amount of TAX-PAYER money, rather than quickly dole it out to people who obviously don't know how to handle money. But that would have made sense. And would have taken time. And we all know you can't have hot news bites for CNN if you wait and do the right thing.

When will we, as a society, learn to stop enabling people to fail? We have done it to welfare and the school systems, now we're moving on to the financial markets. We blame anyone but ourselves for our problems...
"It's my parent's fault." "I'm disabled/ADD/ADHD, etc." "The government should save me." "I'm a victim." ....and so many more.

I refuse to believe that we, the greatest country in the world, are victims. We have every opportunity, every luxury available but we continually make excuses for ourselves. We've become lazy and over-indulgent, waiting for someone to 'bail' us out.

I work for a living. I pay my bills. If I spend too much, I have to deal with the fall out. I'm not expecting anyone to rescue me from my own stupidity....unless it's a smack up side the head and them saying, "What the hell were you thinking?" If I screw up I expect to fail, and I expect consequences for my actions. I expect there to be problems and for me to have to tighten the belt.

So why should big companies be any different than the average American? What gives them the right to be more important that me and you?

KDH Catt

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Random Thought Thursday

I've decided I need direction...well, at least for this blog. I find without a direction I don't write. I sit and I ponder and come up with all kinds of good ideas that never seem to come to fruition. I'm hoping by setting up each day for a particular topic/idea, this will give me the push I need to actually write...and not keep it all in my head. Too much randomness in there as it is.

So Thursday's are 'Random Thought Thursday'. Whatever random thing I come up with...there you go. Tonight I'm thinking, what's the deal with all the 70's clothes making a comeback. Didn't we all just barely survive the fashion crisis of the 70's? Do we really need to re-live that part of out fashion victim lives? Just a thought.....

But I could be wrong,
KDH Catt