Wednesday, June 25, 2008

You will be missed.

The world is a little dimmer now. Not quite as funny. We lost a great comedic mind this past weekend. George Carlin passed away at age 71. For so many years we laughed at his humor and hopefully thought a little more about the silly things in life.

HBO is showing all his specials starting tonight. I'm personally going to try and catch "Carlin at Carnegie." It's a great memory of my teenage years and I'll be glad to re-live it. If you don't giggle during the "Dirty Words" you may need a break.

That and: "How do you know you don't like it...." I use that all the time.

Mr. Carlin, you will be missed. Thank you for being irreverrant, smart and oh so funny.

p.s. "We're all f*cked. It helps to remember that." CG

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Today I thought of two pearls of wisdom I've learned about poopin'.

First: The wisest thing I've every heard probably....ever, is "Never poop where you eat." For those of you who've never heard the original saying, it means don't date the people you work with. And it's completely true. Now I know there are the 3 couples out there that found true love on the job. Happy for ya. But for the other 10 million of us....BAD IDEA! I learned my lesson over ten years ago and it still holds true today. Don't poop where you eat.

Second: A bear and a rabbit are sitting side by side in woods, each of them taking a poop. After a while, the bear looks at the rabbit and asks, "Do you have trouble with poop sticking to your fur?" The rabbit thinks about it and then answers, "No, not really." So the bear picks up the rabbit and wipes his behind with him.
Morale of the story: If a bear EVER asks you if poop sticks to you...SAY YES!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dammit, Dammit, Dammit

First off....I apologize for the language.

Ever had one of those days where everything seems to be going good and then....Bam! Blond moment. Not one of those cute ones you can laugh off or just blame on the cat. One of those that can possibly get you written up at work types. Nothing dangerous or life-threatening...just V-8, head-smacker moment. The type of thing to make you look completely stoopid in front of the people you work with everyday. Jeez, I hate it when that happens.

Note: For those of you who are not blond (is it blond or blonde - save it for another time)....just pick your moment: Senior moment, Homer moment, dropped on my head as a babe get the idea.


My blog's title is not intended to offend anyone. It's purely aimed at myself. I am blonde (from birth) and have multiple blonde moments a day it seems. From the stupid things that just "happen" to fall out of my mouth to tripping over my own's all in a day for me. The bad part of this is I'm supposed to be the responsible one....I'm a 911 dispatcher. I'm the person you call for help. I'm the one telling the cops where to go. Isn't this just the craziest world?

I have a strange sense of humor, so be warned. From observation, I think it comes with the job (or maybe you need it to stay).