Tuesday, September 30, 2008


In a few days, I will start the last year of my thirties.....counting down to the big 4-0. It's funny though, I'm not really stressed about the 40 thing. Age is a state of mind, after all. I may grow old but I'll never grow up.

I'm more concerned about my health and well-being. I've quit smoking, thankfully and started going to church. Now it's time to start on the fat....and there's lots of it to work on. I'm at a personal high as far as my weight is concerned and I'm in the worst shape I've ever been in.....a flight of stairs kicks my ass.

I've heard the best thing to do is to set a goal. So here's mine:

I want to run in the OBX Half Marathon next year. It's 13 miles and hopefully won't kill me. I've got a little over a year to get ready and maybe I'll even recruit a buddy...maybe.

Wish me luck.
Updates coming.